Sales & Marketing Consulting Services


An expert marketing consultant dedicated to your mission advises you on the marketing and sales development of your business. We support you from strategy to operations, covering all or part of the marketing mix, with a commitment to results and deliverables.

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Missions d'études et de développement commercial

Our most frequent interventions are mini-market studiesThese can be used directly by either the Business Development or Commerce teams (business sectors, market segments, commercial niches, regions, countries).

We are committed to offering go-to-market strategies and roadmaps that are pragmatic, realistic, objective and aligned with the marketing and sales teams.

We confirm together, or we define in total autonomy, the sales and marketing action planincluding the objectives, expected results (ROI/KPI), audiences, targeting, segmentation, activities, phasing, means, organisation and resources associated with our recommendations.

Une démarche opérationnelle reconnue et recherchée

At the request of our BtoB customers in the energy, industry, public works and professional services sectors, we frequently provide the following services generation of qualified leadswith lists of accounts, contacts, contact details, projects and worksites. We mobilise our network of experts and the latest digital prospecting techniques.

We provide many other types of marketing and sales development services, including account mapping or the project watch and opportunities.

Market analysis

Get market and sector data that can be transformed into marketing action plans. Benefit from actionable information. Actionable market research and deliverables.

Customer knowledge

Understand customer profiles, pathways and uses. Define a sales organisation segmented according to their expressed or latent expectations, and rethink the customer strategy.


Maintain your leadership and market share. Differentiate through innovation. Think outside the box thanks to an external vision of your business, limiting internal compromise.


In the digital age, we can help you define the ideal marketing and sales organisation, training plan, new CRM tools and processes, and automation.


From France to Europe to the rest of the world, our international marketing experience crosses all borders to offer everyone a memorable customer experience.

Strategic communication

Our expertise in strategic and resource planning is sought after by a wide range of players in the energy, industry and construction sectors.

Nous accompagnons le changement, ensemble, durablement

From the creation of CVS Marketing in March 2018, we have kept the same vision and the same energy.

We support the visibility and development of companies with sustainable growth in energy, industry and construction. We support a large number of our customers' initiatives and projects aimed at decarbonising these sectors.

Together with them - managers, Innovation / R&D / SD / CSR teams - we are fully involved in the development of our projects. networks, unions, associations and competitiveness clusters.

We provide strategic, sectoral and regulatory intelligence and expected in these sectors in terms of climate change, including responsible communication.

Marketing de l'innovation et marketing RSE

In the construction and public works sector, we are working on the marketing of new low-carbon, recycled or reused products for the building envelope (all types of insulation for floors, facades, roofs, steel and concrete), within buildings (fire safety systems, anti-intrusion systems, lighting, smoke extraction systems, lifts, smart buildings) and on building sites, in civil engineering and temporary structures with the reuse of steel, or on roads with green asphalt mixes.

Dans l’énergie, nous accompagnons le lancement de produits et solutions vertueuses : cogénération biomasse, biochar, hydrogène vert, pack batterie, photovoltaïque, solaire, combustibles verts, chaleur verte…

Conseil QSE et accompagnement marketing RSE

In CSR marketing project management, we support SMEs at every stage, from the development of a CSR strategy to the implementation of a CSR action plan: CSR diagnosis, carbon audit (Diag Decarbon'action), centralisation of the environmental data of our activities (scope 1, 2, 3), development and monitoring of action plans, development of ESFs and monitoring with approved ESF verifiers, identification and participation in collective initiatives, subsidy searches.

In terms of responsible communication, we follow the recommendations of ADEME, as well as the strategies defined by the major groups we have been working with for several years. For SMEs, we draw up the CSR policy documents required by our customers, provide regular data and figures on the impact of our activities on the climate and communicate on all types of climate-friendly initiatives.

Over the years, we have strengthened the links and networks that we create together to help, in our small way, to create a sustainable future for women and men and for the climate.

Marketing & Sales

We can help you build your marketing and sales strategy. Consistent with your business and market trends. Co-built with your teams, planned, and goal-oriented.

Marketing outsourcing

Marketing vision and practice will ensure the long-term future of your company. Refocus on your core business by entrusting us with marketing management. We manage your marketing all year round, with no need to recruit or train.

Digital & Services

Because we understand your business and your clients, we deliver the value propositions you need through digital channels. Since 2004, we have been refining our digital marketing techniques and tools while keeping our certifications up to date.