Digital and services

Agency content marketing

We can help you make the difference between 'wasted money' and marketing effectiveness by planning your content marketing strategy and creating high-quality content.

Infographics, e-books and downloads are flourishing on the web. Investments that can ring hollow when they are poorly targeted, badly planned, or lack depth, originality or clarity... and that degrade the user experience. Are you looking to think outside the box? To better engage your B-to-B customers?

Entrust us with the creation of your marketing, sales or communications materials.

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Our marketing difference


Understanding your business

First of all, we are listening to your businessyour customer typologies, your issues and challenges. But also the needs you meet, the value of your solutions, the marketing actions in progress and those you would like to see. That's why it's so important for us to get to know your marketing.

B2B expertise in energy, industry and professional services

Mobilising your experts

Depending on the nature of the content production work to be carried out, we will work with you to identify the internal partners to be met during the following meetings expert sessions. We organise, frame and lead these sessions in order to collect the data needed to produce unique marketing content: website, social media, etc.

Take advantage of synergies between Sales, Marketing and Communications


Rigorous project management

We manage your marketing content project from start to finish. Specification, choice of service providers, design, validation process, production, meeting deadlines/quality/budget. Then we distribute the digital and print content. Finally, on-demand reporting (impressions, clicks, visits, engagement, downloads, quotes, etc.).

Make your day-to-day life easier with an external content production service

Content Marketing

Definition of your content marketing strategy, including objectives (awareness, evaluation, purchase), Personas targeting (customer typologies), value proposition, activities, channels, leaders, planning, budget.

Get under the skin of your prospects

Value proposition
Blue Ocean

Organisation of expert sessions on sector-specific innovation topics, so that together we can build a unique, profitable offering specific to a market niche, opening up new opportunities.

Offer value to your customers

Red Ocean

Writing content such as blogs, e-books and white papers to win over mature markets through a comparative approach, selection based on the overall cost of the project, comfort, quality, etc.

Get out of the price war

Content Marketing

Definition of the editorial strategy and the matrix of marketing content to be produced by objective, the editorial calendar and distribution channels.

Increase your audience impact


Drafting agency briefs. Comparison of quotes, subcontractor relations, coordination of video projects, blogs, etc., monitoring of deadlines and quality control.

Your marketing content on time

Balance sheet
marketing results

Send reports on views, interactions and conversions. Recommendations for optimisation and lead nurturing actions.

Your marketing leads and opportunities

Find out more...

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

We manage your marketing all year round, with no need to recruit or train.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

Optimise click-through rates, web conversions and costs with an adwords management expert.

Professional social networks

Improve brand awareness, customer communications, attract new prospects...and talent.

Lead generation (inbound)

More qualified marketing leads for sales? We'll engage with your future customers on your behalf.